Deprecated elements |
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With respect to previous versions of the control some of its properties have been deprecated. These obsolete elements should not be used in new development projects. They have been maintained internally for backward compatibility only and they will not be documented here nor supported in the future.
The following is the full list of obsolete properties and methods with the current alternative you should use from now on.
Old property, method or event name |
Current alternative |
ForwRewGranularityType (1) |
GetForwardRewindGranularity and SetForwardRewindGranularity methods |
ForwRewGranularity (1) |
GetForwardRewindGranularity and SetForwardRewindGranularity methods |
Waveform.Resolution (1) |
Waveform.UpdateResolution property |
SetEqualizerBand (2) |
Effects.EqualizerBandAdd method |
SetEqualizerBandGain (2) |
Effects.EqualizerBandGainSet method |
SetMixerMasterVolume (2) |
MixerVolumeSet with nComponentType parameter set to COMPONENTTYPE_DST_SPEAKERS |
GetMixerMasterVolume (2) |
MixerVolumeGet with nComponentType parameter set to COMPONENTTYPE_DST_SPEAKERS |
SetMixerWaveVolume (2) |
MixerVolumeSet with nComponentType parameter set to COMPONENTTYPE_SRC_WAVEOUT |
GetMixerWaveVolume (2) |
MixerVolumeGet with nComponentType parameter set to COMPONENTTYPE_SRC_WAVEOUT |
GetMixersCount (2) |
MixerGetCount method |
GetMixerDesc (2) |
MixerGetDesc method |
GetSpectrumTable (2) |
Spectrum.GetTable method |
AddTrigger (2) |
TriggersAdd method |
RemoveTrigger (2) |
TriggersRemove method |
DurationChanged (2) |
SoundDurationChanged event (the returned duration expressed in seconds in now in floating point) |
GetPlayerVolume (3) |
StreamVolumeLevelGet method |
SetPlayerVolume (3) |
StreamVolumeLevelSet method |
GetPlayerVolumeEx (3) |
StreamVolumeLevelGet method |
SetPlayerVolumeEx (3) |
StreamVolumeLevelSet method |
SetPlayerBalance (3) |
StreamBalanceSet method |
GetPlayerOutputDevice (3) |
StreamOutputDeviceGet method |
SetPlayerOutputDevice (3) |
StreamOutputDeviceSet method |
GetPlayerSpeaker (3) |
StreamOutputSpeakerGet method |
SetPlayerSpeaker (3) |
StreamOutputSpeakerSet method |
SwapPlayersSpeakers (3) |
StreamOutputSpeakerSwap method |
SwapSpeakersRearAndCenter (3) |
GetMp3Tag1Field (3) |
GetFileTagField method |
PlaySoundFromRecorder (3) |
PlaySoundFromRecorderEx method |
WaveAnalysisStop (3) |
WaveAnalysisDone event |
VideoPlayer.Create (3) |
VideoPlayer.VideoWindowAdd method |
VideoPlayer.Move (3) |
VideoPlayer.VideoWindowMove method |
VideoPlayer.Show (3) |
VideoPlayer.VideoWindowShow method |
ReadSoundInfo (4) |
SoundInfoGet method |
SoundInfo (4) class |
SoundInfo2 class |
Waveform.CreateFileBitmapView (5) |
Waveform.CreateMemoryBitmapView (5) |
Waveform.GetBitmapViewWidth (5) |
CdCoverURLsAvailable event (5) |
CdCoverURLsAvailableEx event |
CdCoverPictureFileAvailable event (5) |
GetFormattedTime (6) |
FromMsToFormattedTime method |
GetCurrentPos (6) |
SoundPositionGet method |
GetPlaybackTime (6) |
SoundPositionGet method |
GetSoundDuration (6) |
SoundDurationGet method |
GetSoundOriginalDuration (6) |
SoundDurationGet method |
GetCurrentPosString (6) |
SoundPositionStringGet method |
GetPlaybackTimeString (6) |
SoundPositionStringGet method |
GetFormattedSoundDuration (6) |
SoundDurationStringGet method |
GetFormattedSoundOriginalDuration (6) |
SoundDurationStringGet method |
SetSmoothingTimeLength (6) |
StreamVolumeSmoothingSet and StreamVolumeSmoothingSetEx methods |
VST.Load (6) |
VST.EffectLoad method |
VST.Free (6) |
VST.EffectFree method |
VST.Enable (6) |
VST.EffectEnable method |
VST.Flush (6) |
VST.EffectFlush method |
VideoPlayer.AudioDelayGet (6) |
VideoPlayer.AudioDelaySet (6) |
VstParamChanged event (6) |
VstParamChangedValue method |
GetInternetBufferLength (7) |
InternetSettingsGet method with nSetting parameter set to INET_SETTING_BUFFER_LENGTH |
SetInternetBufferLength (7) |
InternetSettingsSet method with nSetting parameter set to INET_SETTING_BUFFER_LENGTH |
StreamVolumeGet (7) |
StreamVolumeLevelGet method |
StreamVolumeSet (7) |
StreamVolumeLevelSet method |
DetectSoundSilence (7) |
SilenceDetectionOnPlayer method |
SetAutomaticSilenceDetection (7) |
RequestSoundSilenceDetection (7) |
MixerSetMasterVolume (7) |
MixerVolumeSet with nComponentType parameter set to COMPONENTTYPE_DST_SPEAKERS |
MixerGetMasterVolume (7) |
MixerVolumeGet with nComponentType parameter set to COMPONENTTYPE_DST_SPEAKERS |
MixerSetWaveVolume (7) |
MixerVolumeSet with nComponentType parameter set to COMPONENTTYPE_SRC_WAVEOUT |
MixerGetWaveVolume (7) |
MixerVolumeGet with nComponentType parameter set to COMPONENTTYPE_SRC_WAVEOUT |
MixerSetMasterMute (7) |
MixerMuteSet with nComponentType parameter set to COMPONENTTYPE_DST_SPEAKERS |
MixerGetMasterMute (7) |
MixerMuteGet with nComponentType parameter set to COMPONENTTYPE_DST_SPEAKERS |
MixerSetWaveMute (7) |
MixerMuteSet with nComponentType parameter set to COMPONENTTYPE_SRC_WAVEOUT |
MixerGetWaveMute (7) |
MixerMuteGet with nComponentType parameter set to COMPONENTTYPE_SRC_WAVEOUT |
MixerSetMicrophoneVolume (7) |
MixerVolumeSet with nComponentType parameter set to COMPONENTTYPE_SRC_MICROPHONE |
MixerGetMicrophoneVolume (7) |
MixerVolumeGet with nComponentType parameter set to COMPONENTTYPE_SRC_MICROPHONE |
MixerSetMicrophoneMute (7) |
MixerMuteSet with nComponentType parameter set to COMPONENTTYPE_SRC_MICROPHONE |
MixerGetMicrophoneMute (7) |
MixerMuteGet with nComponentType parameter set to COMPONENTTYPE_SRC_MICROPHONE |
WaveformScroller.GetGraphicalSettings (7) |
WaveformScroller.SettingsGet method |
WaveformScroller.SetGraphicalSettings (7) |
WaveformScroller.SettingsSet method |
MIDI.EventApply (7) |
StreamEventApply method |
MIDI.EventValueGet (7) |
StreamEventValueGet method |
MIDI.EventsEnableNotifications (7) |
MIDI.EventsEnum (7) |
StreamEventsEnum method |
MIDI.EventsEnumFromRange (7) |
StreamEventsEnumFromRange method |
MIDI.EventsEnumItemGet (7) |
StreamEventsEnumItemGet method |
MIDI.EventsListApply (7) |
StreamEventsListApply method |
MIDI.EventsListItemAdd (7) |
StreamEventsListItemAdd method |
MIDI.EventsListItemCountGet (7) |
StreamEventsListItemCountGet method |
MIDI.EventsListItemGet (7) |
StreamEventsListItemGet method |
MIDI.EventsListItemModify (7) |
StreamEventsListItemModify method |
MIDI.EventsListItemRemove (7) |
StreamEventsListItemRemove method |
MIDI.EventsListItemUniqueIdGet (7) |
MIDI.EventsRawApply (7) |
StreamEventsRawApply method |
MidiEventNotification (7) |
ReadSoundInfo2 (8) |
SoundInfoGet method |
GetEAXEffect (8) |
GetEAXEffectParams method |
SetTempoPerc (9) |
Effects.PlaybackTempoSet method |
GetTempoPerc (9) |
Effects.PlaybackTempoGet method |
SetRatePerc (9) |
Effects.PlaybackRateSet method |
GetRatePerc (9) |
Effects.PlaybackRateGet method |
SetPitch (9) |
Effects.PlaybackPitchSet method |
GetPitch (9) |
Effects.PlaybackPitchGet method |
SetPitchFloat (9) |
Effects.PlaybackPitchSet method |
GetPitchFloat (9) |
Effects.PlaybackPitchGet method |
PlaybackRateRatioGet (9) |
Effects.PlaybackRateRatioGet method |
GetDirectXEffect (9) |
SetDirectXEffect (9) |
Effects.DirectXEffectApply method |
SetDirectXEffectEx (9) |
Effects.DirectXEffectApply method |
GetDirectXEffectParams (9) |
SetDirectXEffectParams (9) |
MPXEnable (9) |
Effects.MPXEnable method |
MPXSetVocalAttenuation (9) |
MPXInvertChannels (9) |
Effects.MPXInvertChannels method |
SoundDirectionEnable (9) |
Effects.SoundDirectionEnable method |
SoundDirectionGet (9) |
Effects.SoundDirectionGet method |
SoundDirectionSet (9) |
Effects.SoundDirectionSet method |
PreAmplifierEnable (9) |
Effects.PreAmplifierEnable method |
PreAmplifierGetValue (9) |
Effects.PreAmplifierValueGet method |
PreAmplifierSetValue (9) |
Effects.PreAmplifierValueSet method |
PreAmplifierGetSpeakerValue (9) |
PreAmplifierSetSpeakerValue (9) |
EqualizerBandAdd (9) |
Effects.EqualizerBandAdd method |
EqualizerBandRemove (9) |
Effects.EqualizerBandRemove method |
EqualizerBandSetGain (9) |
Effects.EqualizerBandGainSet method |
EqualizerLoadPresets (9) |
Effects.EqualizerLoadPresets method |
EqualizerBandGetCount (9) |
EqualizerBandGetParams (9) |
EqualizerBandSetParams (9) |
EqualizerReset (9) |
Effects.EqualizerReset method |
EqualizerEnable (9) |
Effects.EqualizerEnable method |
EqualizerBandGetFrequency (9) |
EqualizerLoadFromFile (9) |
EqualizerSaveToFile (9) |
Effects.EqualizerSaveToFile method |
FilterApply (9) |
Effects.FilterApply method |
FilterReset (9) |
Effects.FilterReset method |
NormalizationEnable (9) |
Effects.NormalizationEnable method |
DcOffsetRemovalEnable (9) |
FilterVocalRemoverApply (9) |
FilterVocalRemoverReset (9) |
GetDirectXEffectParamsChorus (9) |
SetDirectXEffectParamsChorus (9) |
GetDirectXEffectParamsCompressor (9) |
SetDirectXEffectParamsCompressor (9) |
GetDirectXEffectParamsDistortion (9) |
SetDirectXEffectParamsDistortion (9) |
GetDirectXEffectParamsEcho (9) |
SetDirectXEffectParamsEcho (9) |
GetDirectXEffectParamsFlanger (9) |
SetDirectXEffectParamsFlanger (9) |
GetDirectXEffectParamsGargle (9) |
SetDirectXEffectParamsGargle (9) |
GetDirectXEffectParamsParamEq (9) |
SetDirectXEffectParamsParamEq (9) |
Effects.EqualizerBandAdd method |
GetDirectXEffectParamsL2Reverb (9) |
SetDirectXEffectParamsL2Reverb (9) |
GetDirectXEffectParamsWavesReverb |
SetDirectXEffectParamsWavesReverb |
EqualizerLoadFromMemoryStream |
EqualizerSaveToMemoryStream |
VideoPlayer.GetDuration (9) |
VideoPlayer.DurationGet method |
VideoPlayer.GetPosition (9) |
VideoPlayer.PositionGet method |
LoadInternetStreamWithFormat (10) |
LoadInternetStreamEx method |
WASAPI.AttachInputDeviceToPlayer (10a) |
CdNavigateToPurchasePage (11) |
AmazonStoreCdInfoCreate (11) |
CdInfoCreate method |
AmazonStoreCdInfoGet (11) |
CdInfoGet method |
AmazonStoreCdCoverPictureFileGet (11) |
CdCoverPictureFileGet method |
AmazonStoreCdTrackTitleGet (11) |
CdTrackTitleGet method |
AmazonStoreCdNavigateToUrl (11) |
CdNavigateToUrl method |
SoundRecognizer.InitInfo (1142) |
SoundRecognizer.InitIHostnfo method |
(1) Deprecated starting from version 2
(2) Deprecated starting from version 3
(3) Deprecated starting from version 4
(4) Deprecated starting from version 4.4
(5) Deprecated starting from version 5
(6) Deprecated starting from version 6
(7) Deprecated starting from version 6.2
(8) Deprecated starting from version 7.3
(9) Deprecated starting from version 9
(10) Deprecated starting from version
(10a) Deprecated starting from version 10.4
(11) Deprecated starting from version 11
(1142) Deprecated starting from version