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The WANALYZER_GENERAL_SETTINGS structure describes the general settings applied to the Waveform Analyzer. The current settings can be retrieved through the SettingsGeneralGet method and modified through the SettingsGeneralSet method.
C# definition
public bool bAppearance3d;
public enumAnalyzerResolutions nResolution;
public float fHorizontalZoomFactor;
public float fVerticalZoomFactor;
public Int16 nPositionLineWidth;
public enumWaveformLineDashStyles nPositionLineDashStyle;
public Color colorPositionLine;
public bool bPlaybackLineVisible;
public Int16 nPlaybackLineWidth;
public enumWaveformLineDashStyles nPlaybackLineDashStyle;
public Color colorPlaybackLine;
public enumLineCaps nPositionLineHighCap;
public enumLineCaps nPositionLineLowCap;
public enumLineDashCaps nPositionLineDashCap;
public Int16 nPositionLineTranspFactor;
public enumLineCaps nPlaybackLineHighCap;
public enumLineCaps nPlaybackLineLowCap;
public enumLineDashCaps nPlaybackLineDashCap;
public Int16 nPlaybackLineTranspFactor;
public bool bVerticalLinesOnTimeRuler;
public bool bAutoRefresh;
Member |
Description |
Boolean value that specifies if the Waveform Analyzer is displayed with 3D borders. Supported values are the following:
Resolution used for waveform's analysis. Supported values are the following:
Floating point value indicating the factor applied to zooming operations: by default the zoom factor is 2.0. The value of this field cannot be lower than 1.01. Smaller values will be automatically capped to 1.01. |
Factor applied to vertical zooming operations. can assume values ranging from 0.5 to 5. Values outside of this range will be automatically capped to the nearest valid value. - Values smaller than 1 will vertically zoom-out the waveform, reducing its vertical size - Value 1 will display the waveform without zooming (default) - Values higher than 1 will vertically zoom-in the waveform, increasing its vertical size |
Width in pixels of the line that indicates a selected position on the waveform |
Dash style of the line that indicates a selected position on the waveform. Supported values are the following:
On the screenshot below you can see the different dash styles with the corresponding value displayed:
Color used for rendering the line that indicates a selected position on the waveform. |
Boolean value that specifies if the line that indicates the playback position is visible during a playback session. Supported values are the following:
Width in pixels of the playback line |
Dash style of the line that indicates the playback position on the waveform during a playback session. Supported values are the same as seen for the nPositionLineDashStyle field above. |
Color used for rendering the line that indicates the playback position on the waveform during a playback session. |
Type of cap for the high end of the position line. Supported values are the following:
On the screenshot below you can see the different types of line caps with the corresponding value displayed:
Type of cap for the low end of the position line. Supported values are the same as seen for the nPositionLineHighCap field above. |
Type of dash/dot cap for the position line. Supported values are the following:
On the screenshot below you can see the different types of line dash caps with the corresponding value displayed:
Transparent factor applied to the position line. This value can range from 0 (total opacity) to 255 (total transparency). Values outside of this range will be automatically capped to the nearest valid value. |
Type of cap for the high end of the playback line. Supported values are the same as seen for the nPositionLineHighCap field above. |
Type of cap for the low end of the playback line. Supported values are the same as seen for the nPositionLineHighCap field above. |
Type of dash/dot cap for the playback line. Supported values are the same as seen for the nPositionLineDashCap field above. |
Transparent factor applied to the playback line. This value can range from 0 (total opacity) to 255 (total transparency). Values outside of this range will be automatically capped to the nearest valid value. |
Boolean value that specifies if caps of vertical lines must be rendered over time rulers. Supported values are the following:
Boolean value that specifies if the waveform is refreshed automatically during the analysis phase. Supported values are the following: