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CastingWmaPubPointOpenFromWasapiLoopback method

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Creates a casting session in WMA format to a publishing point of a Windows Media Server for the output of the given loopback device.

The usage of this method allows sending to a publishing point of a Windows Media Server any sound being played through an audio endpoint device by any application running inside the system.


After creating the casting session, you can start it through the CastingStart method.


This method is only intended for usage with Windows Vista and later versions.


Further information about management of casting sessions can be found inside the How to use the control as a source for streaming servers like SHOUTcast tutorial.

For further details about the use of WASAPI see the WASAPI object and the How to manage audio flow through WASAPI tutorial.





[Visual Basic]

control.CastingWmaPubPointOpenFromWasapiLoopback (

nDeviceIndex as Integer,

strUrlPublishingPoint as String,

strUsername as String,

strPassword as String

nBitrate as Long

) as Long



long control.CastingWmaPubPointOpenFromWasapiLoopback (

short nDeviceIndex,

LPCTSTR strUrlPublishingPoint,

LPCTSTR strUsername,

LPCTSTR strPassword,

long nBitrate









Number representing the zero-based index of the WASAPI loopback device of interest. The total number of available WASAPI devices can be obtained using the WASAPI.DeviceGetCount method having the nDeviceType parameter set to WASAPI_DEVICE_TYPE_LOOPBACK.


URL of the publishing point


Username of the server


Password of the server


Bitrate expressed in bits per seconds




Return value






> 0

Numeric value representing the unique identifier of the casting session: this unique identifier will be used in order to invoke further methods related to the use of the casting session itself

Negative value

An error occurred: see the LastError property for further error details or for a list of the possible error values.