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VideoPlayer.Play method

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Plays the video previously loaded inside the given player through one between VideoPlayer.Load or VideoPlayer.LoadForEAX methods.


A successful call to this method will fire the SoundPlaying event. Once the sound has been performed completely, the control will fire the SoundDone event.


For further details about the use of the embedded video player see the VideoPlayer class section.

For details about video clips rendering refer to the How to play video files through DirectShow section.





[Visual Basic]

Public Function Play (

nPlayerIndex as Int16

) as enumErrorCodes



public enumErrorCodes Play (

Int16 nPlayerIndex




public: enumErrorCodes Play (

Int16 nPlayerIndex








Number representing the zero-based index of the player that will use the video player.




Return value






Negative value

An error occurred (see the LastError property for further error details)

enumErrorCodes.NOERROR (0)

The method call was successful.