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Audio Sound Recorder for .NET

   Patches and Upgrades

Assembly version (AudioSoundRecorder.dll) (January 3, 2010)
Multimedia engine version (AdjMmsEng.dll) (May 24, 2011)

Fixed builds can be downloaded using the same link, username and password received after purchasing the product: if you should have lost them or if they shouldn't work anymore, please, contact our Technical support.

VERY IMPORTANT: Before proceeding with the installation of updated versions, don't forget to close all of the running applications and to UNINSTALL the existing version: missing this step could prevent the new version to run correctly on your development PC.

Fixed Bugs (since version 4.0)

  • If the EncodeFormats.ResampleMode property has been set to RESAMPLE_MODE_NATIVE_FORMAT and no value has been set into the EncodeFormats.ResampleNativeFormat property, a GPF could occur when starting a recording session through the StartFromDirectSoundDevice method.
  • If the ripping of a CD track is performed through a CD drive different from the first one listed by the system, a GPF could be raised at the very end of the ripping session.
  • In Windows Vista and Windows 7 there could be a discrepancy between the value set through the MixerSetMasterVolume method and the value returned by the MixerGetMasterVolume method.
  • Under WIndows 7, if the control is instanced inside a VB6 form and VB6 is set to work in compatibility mode with Win XP, VB6 could hang when opening the form containing the control. It's in any case suggested to avoid setting VB6 in compatibility mode when using our control.
  • After loading a small sound (less than 2 seconds long) the playback session of the current recorded contents could be cut-off if started immediately after completing a previous playback session.
  • If a waveform analysis is in place, an attempt to start a recording session could result in unpredictable results and also in a GPF.
  • If ASIO and DirectSound devices have been enabled, when requesting to play contents of the recording session the playback could fail without reporting any error.
  • When a recording session is started on an ASIO device, the call to the SetRecordingMode will be ignored and recording mode will be always reset in error to REC_MODE_NEW so there will be no possibility to append, mix, insert or overwrite new recording sessions to the existing one.
  • The SoundExportDone event is sometime fired at a too earlier stage causing eventual further calls to the component's methods returning an ERR_RECORDER_BUSY error code.
  • After calling methods that return a unique identifier, for example the CustomDsp.ExternalLoad or CustomDsp.InterrnalLoad, in case of failure the LastError property will not report the effective error code.
  • Colors returned by the component have the Alpha component set to 0 instead of 255.
  • Recording in WMA format the output of a stream mixer, created with Active DJ Studio, will generate a WMA output file containing noise only.
  • In presence of a Microsoft ISA firewall or of the latest Beta of "Windows Live Essentials", the initialization of the multimedia engine could be delayed of several seconds (between 20-50 seconds) or to be totally blocked, causing the container application to be blocked as well.
  • On x64 versions of Windows, container application compiled for x64 or for "Any CPU" will fail recording or encoding in formats requiring external command line encoders like Lame (for MP3 format), OggEng (for Ogg Vorbis format) or Faac (for MP4/AAC format).
  • The RecordingDuration event may report a recording duration which doesn't keep count of eventual pauses/resumes (requested through the Pause/Resume methods combination) occurring during the recording session.
  • A GDI resource leak is generated when creating one of the embedded visual feedback (Vu-Meter, Spectrum, Oscilloscope, Waveform).
  • When the InitDriversType method has been called with parameter DRIVER_TYPE_BOTH_ASIO_FIRST and no ASIO device is installed inside the system, there could be issues in setting the proper input device.
  • After a reset ASIO devices are no more listed.
  • When the container application is compiled for "AnyCPU" and run inside a x64 version of Windows, calling the AboutBox method may cause a an exception of type "System.BadImageFormatException".
  • A recording session, having output format set to ENCODING_FORMAT_NOFILE, doesn't work when started from an ASIO device.
  • If multiple instances of the control have been allocated, after enabling CD status monitoring through the EnableCDMonitor method, not all of the instances may receive CD events notifications.
  • When performing a recording session in 32 bits floating point using certain recording formats (like AIFF, AU, RAW, IRCAM, W64, CAF), an unwanted echo may be added to the recorded sound.
  • If a form containing one of the MultiMedia Soft audio related components is closed, eventual DSP effects applied to players allocated on other existing forms may be disabled.
  • The nSampleRate parameter of the ASIO.DeviceStart method works correctly only when set to 0: for any other value it always sets a fixed 44100 sample rate.
  • The SwitchOutputFile method doesn't work when the recording session is from an ASIO device.


Full product history available inside the online documentation.


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