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Audio Sound Recorder for .NET

   Patches and Upgrades

Assembly version (AudioSoundRecorder.dll) is (September 22, 2006)
Multimedia engine version (AdjMmsEng.dll) is (February 8, 2007)

Fixed builds can be downloaded using the same link, username and password received after purchasing the product: if you should have lost them or if they shouldn't work anymore, please, contact our Technical support.

Fixed Bugs

  • The GetCdIdentification method, used in conjunction with the CD_IDENTIF_TEXT parameter in order to get the CD-Text contained inside an Audio CD, will return only the first string.
  • The RecordingAudibleData and RecordingSilentData events will be fired inverted.
  • Changing visual feedback's settings during playback can cause a GPF.
  • When ripping a CD track to a file in WAV format, the CdRippingPercentage event is not fired.
  • After obtaining CDDB info about a CD, if the CD's genre is not supported by LAME encoder, the ripping in MP3 format of any track for this CD will fail.
  • During a CD ripping is not possible to stop the ripping of a track at a certain point without loosing the ripped output file.
  • The RecordingStarted event is fired also if the RecorderStart method fails: in this case, if the recording session is set to store sound data inside a memory buffer, a memory leak will be generated.
  • If many CD tracks are being ripped in sequence, at a certain extent one of them could fail.
  • If both Active DJ Studio and Active Sound Recorder are instanced on the same form the sound card's speakers enumeration could fail.
  • If both Active DJ Studio and Active Sound Recorder are instanced on the same form, the enumeration of players available inside Active DJ Studio could return a wrong value .
  • The Sound Activation System could not be effective if the SilenceMinLength property is set to a value greater than 1000.
  • A ripping session in MP3 or OGG Vorbis format of a CD track could fail if the track title, obtained through CDDB, contains a " character.
  • On Windows versions prior to Windows XP, the number returned by the GetSupportedRecordFormatsCount method could not be coherent with the selected input device.
  • If two instances of the control, initialized for getting sound from different input devices, are instanced on the same form, they will get sound data from the same input device.
  • When calling the GetCdCoverPictureURL method, an exception is raised with the following error: "Unable to find an entry point named 'djGetCdCoverPictureURLDotNet' in DLL 'AdjMmsEng.dll' "



New features

  • Added support for recording in WAV format with 32 bits floating point format (WAVE_FORMAT_IEEE_FLOAT)


New properties

  • Oscilloscope.Type
  • Oscilloscope.ZoomPerc
  • Spectrum.ZoomPerc
  • VUMeter.ZoomPerc

New methods  

  • RecorderPause
  • RecorderResume

New events  

  • RecordingPaused
  • RecordingResumed


New features

New methods  

  • Added a new overriding for the RecorderStart method


New features

  • Improved the efficiency of the Sound Activation System.

New properties

  • SilenceMinLength 


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