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Waveform.CreateNew method

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Creates a new instance of the Waveform class on the given parent window. This method is alternative to the Waveform.Create method and should be used when dealing with development environments like WPF where controls don't expose a HWND.


Once created, by default the Waveform is still not visible: you must make a call to the Waveform.Show method in order to display it.


For further details about using the component inside WPF applications refer to the Adding the component to a Visual Studio 2008 WPF project tutorial.

For further details about using the embedded Waveform refer to the Waveform class section.

For details about using Visual Feedbacks refer to the How to use embedded Visual Feedbacks section.





[Visual Basic]

Public Function CreateNew (

hWndParent as IntPtr,

nLeft as Int32,

nTop as Int32,

nWidth as Int32,

nHeight as Int32

) as IntPtr



public IntPtr CreateNew (

IntPtr hWndParent,

Int32 nLeft,

Int32 nTop,

Int32 nWidth,

Int32 nHeight




public: IntPtr CreateNew (

IntPtr hWndParent,

Int32 nLeft,

Int32 nTop,

Int32 nWidth,

Int32 nHeight








Handle of the parent window, usually the container form.


Left position of the window, expressed in client coordinates (pixels) of hWndParent


Top position of the window, expressed in client coordinates (pixels) of hWndParent


Width of the window, expressed in pixels


Height of the window, expressed in pixels



Return value






Negative value

An error occurred (see the LastError property for further error details)

enumErrorCodes.ERR_NOERROR (0)

The method call was successful.