Requests to reduce the recorded sound removing portions of sound before and after the given range.
A successful call to this method will fire the SoundEditStarted event. Once this editing operation has been performed completely, the control will fire the SoundEditDone event.
For further details about recorded sound methods refer to the RecordedSound class section.
For further details see the How to perform a recording session section.
[Visual Basic]
Public Function RequestReduceToRange (
nStartPosition as Int32,
nEndPosition as Int32
) as enumErrorCodes
public enumErrorCodes RequestReduceToRange (
Int32 nStartPosition,
Int32 nEndPosition
public: enumErrorCodes RequestReduceToRange (
Int32 nStartPosition,
Int32 nEndPosition
Start position, expressed in milliseconds, of the sound range to keep
End position, expressed in milliseconds, of the sound range to keep. If set to -1 the end position will be set to the end of the sound.
Return value
Negative value
An error occurred. Check the LastError property value in order to see the last error.
enumErrorCodes.ERR_NOERROR (0)
The method call was successful.