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ASIO.DeviceChannelInputAmplyfierGet method

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Obtains the current amplification factor for the given input channel. The amplification factor can be modified through the ASIO.DeviceChannelInputAmplyfierSet method.


For further details about the use of ASIO drivers see the ASIOMan class and the How to manage ASIO drivers tutorial.





[Visual Basic]

Public Function DeviceChannelInputAmplyfierGet (

nDeviceIndex as Int16,

nChannelIndex as Int16,

ByRef fFactor as Single

) as enumErrorCodes



public enumErrorCodes DeviceChannelInputAmplyfierGet (

Int16 nDeviceIndex,

Int16 nChannelIndex,

ref float fFactor




public: enumErrorCodes DeviceChannelInputAmplyfierGet (

Int16 nDeviceIndex,

Int16 nChannelIndex,

float __gc *fFactor








Number representing the zero-based index of the ASIO device.

This index is related to available ASIO devices so it must be the related to the enumeration performed through the ASIO.DeviceGetCount and ASIO.DeviceGetDesc methods: it must not be confused with indexes related to generic input devices enumerated through the GetInputDevicesCount and GetInputDeviceDesc methods which may contain both DirectSound and ASIO devices.


Number representing the zero-based index of the ASIO channel of interest


Reference that, on return from the method call, will contain the current amplification factor.

- value 0.0 means that sound in input is muted

- values higher than 0.0 and smaller than 1.0 attenuate the input level

- value 1.0 means that no amplification is applied

- values higher than 1.0 amplify the input level



Return value






Negative value

An error occurred (see the LastError property for further error details)

enumErrorCodes.ERR_NOERROR (0)

The method call was successful.