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How to load a sound stored inside another instance of the API

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In certain situations your application may have the need to edit more sound files at the same time: this can be easily achieved instancing more than one instance of the API in your application.


Each instance of the API can load the sound under editing inside a different instance of the same API through a call to the LoadSoundFromEditingSession method. In case the API should be used in conjunction with instances of the Audio Sound Editor for .NET Winform component, it could load the sound loaded inside the Winform component through the LoadSoundFromEditingSession method.


In other situations there could be the need to edit two or more different sounds separately, then mixing them inside one single instance of the API; just see the following scenario: we have two sound tracks stored on different files and we need to mix them inside one final single track after having applied a volume fade-in/fade-out to the beginning and end of each sound track. For this specific purpose we could proceed as follows


Create three instances of the API respectively named EditorTrack1, EditorTrack2 and EditorTrackFinal
Load the first sound file into EditorTrack1 using its LoadSound method
Load the second sound file into EditorTrack2 using its LoadSound method
Apply a fade-in sliding volume to the beginning of the track loaded inside EditorTrack1 using the Effects.VolumeSlidingApply method
Apply a fade-out sliding volume to the end of the track loaded inside EditorTrack1 using the Effects.VolumeSlidingApply method (note that you could also apply the fade-in/fade-out sliding volume by creating a volume automation procedure)
Apply a fade-in sliding volume to the beginning of the track loaded inside EditorTrack2 using the Effects.VolumeSlidingApply method
Apply a fade-out sliding volume to the end of the track loaded inside EditorTrack2 using the Effects.VolumeSlidingApply method (also in this case you could apply the fade-in/fade-out sliding volume by creating a volume automation procedure)
Predispose the EditorTrackFinal instance to load the first edited track by calling the SetLoadingMode method with parameter LOAD_MODE_NEW
Load the first edited track into the EditorTrackFinal instance calling the LoadSoundFromEditingSession method passing the identifier of the EditorTrack1 instance: this identifier can be obtained through a call to the GetEditorInstanceId method of EditorTrack1.
Choose the position, inside the sound loaded into the EditorTrackFinal instance, where the track still loaded inside EditorTrack2 will have to be mixed then fix this position by calling the SetMixingPos method
Predispose the EditorTrackFinal instance to load the other track in mixing mode by calling the SetLoadingMode method with parameter LOAD_MODE_MIX
Load the second edited track into the EditorTrackFinal instance calling again the LoadSoundFromEditingSession method passing the identifier of the EditorTrack2 instance: this identifier can be obtained through a call to the GetEditorInstanceId method of EditorTrack2; in this case the new loaded sound will not replace the existing one but will be mixed at the position previously set through the SetMixingPos method


This is a very simple scenario but, as you may understand, you could imagine a lot of different scenarios where you could insert a sound track at a given position or overwrite a range of the existing sound track at a given position.