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TracksBoard.ItemSoundFileAdd method

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Adds a sound file item to the TracksBoard session's stream previously created through the TracksBoard.Create method.

Supported sound file formats are the same mentioned inside the LoadSound method.


In case the sound file should be in a RAW format, use the TracksBoard.ItemSoundFileRawAdd method.



Important note about items overlapping


Overlapping of two items on the same track is now allowed so, in case the new item should cause an overlapping and upon space availability, the new item will be automatically moved to the next track or to the previous track; if both previous and next tracks should in any case suffer an overlapping, a new track will be automatically inserted on the nearest position.



For details about the use of the TracksBoard refer to the How to use the TracksBoard to visually compose songs tutorial.

For further details about methods of the TracksBoard refer to the TracksBoard class section.





[Visual Basic]

Public Function ItemSoundFileAdd (

strFriendlyName as String,

nTrack as Int32,

strPathname as String,

nOffsetMs as Int32,

nStartPositionMs as Int32,

nEndPositionMs as Int32,

ByRef nUniqueId as Int32

) as enumErrorCodes



public enumErrorCodes ItemSoundFileAdd (

string strFriendlyName,

Int32 nTrack,

string strPathname,

Int32 nOffsetMs,

Int32 nStartPositionMs,

Int32 nEndPositionMs,

ref Int32 nUniqueId




public: enumErrorCodes ItemSoundFileAdd (

string strFriendlyName,

Int32 nTrack,

string strPathname,

Int32 nOffsetMs,

Int32 nStartPositionMs,

Int32 nEndPositionMs,

Int32 __gc *nUniqueId









Friendly name of the item


Zero-based index of the track where the item will be placed. The current number of tracks can be obtained through the TracksBoard.TracksCountGet method.


String containing the absolute pathname of the sound file


Offset of the sound, expressed in milliseconds, respect to the beginning of the audio stream.


Initial position within the given file, expressed in milliseconds


Final position within the given file, expressed in milliseconds


Reference to a value that, on return from the method call, will contain the unique identifier of the newly added item: this unique identifier will be used in order to invoke further methods related to the use of this specific item.




Return value






Negative value

An error occurred, check the LastError property value in order to get the error code

enumErrorCodes.ERR_NOERROR (0)

The method call was successful