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Sound Editor

   Patches and Upgrades

ActiveX version (asoedmms.ocx) (October 18, 2010)
Multimedia engine version (AdjMmsEng.dll) (May 24, 2011)

Fixed builds can be downloaded using the same link, username and password received after purchasing the product: if you should have lost them or if they shouldn't work anymore, please, contact our Technical support.

VERY IMPORTANT: Before proceeding with the installation of updated versions, don't forget to close all of the running applications and to UNINSTALL the existing version: missing this step could prevent the new version to run correctly on your development PC.

Fixed Bugs (since version 2.0)

  • Setting the colorVolumeLevelLine and colorTimeLine fields of the WAVEFORM_ANALYZER_SETTINGS_2 structure to -1 will not hide the lines but will show them in black color.
  • After loading a small sound (less than 2 seconds long) the playback session of the current editing contents could be cut-off if started immediately after completing a previous playback session.
  • If a waveform analysis is in place, an attempt to load a new file could result in unpredictable results and also in a GPF.
  • If ASIO and DirectSound devices have been enabled, when requesting to play contents of the editing session the playback could fail without reporting any error.
  • Calls to GetSoundDuration, GetMemoryPtr and GetMemorySize methods return ERR_EDITOR_BUSY during a waveform analysis.
  • Clicks and pops removal through the Effects.DeClickFilterApply method could cause a GPF if the loaded sound is in mono.
  • The SoundExportDone event is sometime fired at a too earlier stage causing eventual further calls to the component's methods returning an ERR_EDITOR_BUSY error code.
  • The DeNoise filter doesn't work as expected when executed on a sound range instead of the overall file
  • After calling methods that return a unique identifier, for example the Effects.VSTLoad, Effects.CustomDspExternalLoad or Effects.CustomDspInterrnalLoad, in case of failure the LastError property will not report the effective error code.
  • Removing a portion of silence whose size is less than 50 ms could cause a GPF.
  • If the bStopMixOnCompletion and bLoop parameters of the SetMixingParams method has been set to "true" and a range was specified through the SetMixingPos method, the mixing won't be stopped when the final position set through the nEndPosition parameter of the SetMixingPos method is reached.
  • The Effects.NormalizationToTargetApply method could start the normalization process with a delay of 500-800 ms respect to beginning of the sound under editing.
  • In presence of a Microsoft ISA firewall or of the latest Beta of "Windows Live Essentials", the initialization of the multimedia engine could be delayed of several seconds (between 20-50 seconds) or to be totally blocked, causing the container application to be blocked as well.
  • On x64 versions of Windows, container application compiled for x64 or for "Any CPU" will fail recording or encoding in formats requiring external command line encoders like Lame (for MP3 format), OggEng (for Ogg Vorbis format) or Faac (for MP4/AAC format).
  • Silence detection/removal suffers a regression after release of version of AdjMmsEng.dll.
  • After release of version of AdjMmsEng.dll custom DSPs work correctly only if set for usage of samples in floating point quality.
  • After applying the DeNoise filter it's not possible performing an Undo operation.
  • A call to the EditSoundCancel method is ignored while appying the DeNoise filter.
  • If the DeNoise filter is applied on a sound stored inside a temporary file (after a call to the SetStoreMode method with STORE_MODE_TEMP_FILE) a GPF is raised.
  • A GPF could be raised when the DeNoise filter is applied on a sound (stored in memory) whose duration is longer than 15 minutes
  • The VerticalLineMouseMoveEnable method is not exported correctly.
  • After releasing version of the multimedia engine, loading WAV files encoded with 8 bits per sample may cause a GPF.
  • After a call to the Effects.CurveDesigner.SetPoints method, a call to the Effects.CurveDesigner.GetPoints method could return different values.
  • A volume automation isn't applied when the scale unit for the volume automation has been set to a value different from VA_POS_UNIT_PERCENTAGE through the Effects.VolumeAutomationSetScales method.
  • If a volume automation procedure has been created without setting the first volume point at position 0, results may be unpredictable.
  • When applying a volume automation procedure having one volume point positioned beyond the sound duration, a ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY error could be generated.
  • If a form containing one of the MultiMedia Soft audio related components is closed, eventual DSP effects applied to players allocated on other existing forms may be disabled.
  • An exception may be generated when calling the Effects.VstFree method.
  • If the sound generated by an append or mix automation session should exceed the 4 GBytes boundaries, the sound itself would result truncated.
  • If an instance of the component is destroyed after closing the container form, a new instance created at a later time may still contain information related to the previous instance, for example the contents of an append or mix automation.
  • Loading a sound from a CD track after having called the Effects.CustomDspUseFloatSamples method with parameter "true" may cause a GPF.
  • Editing commands like InsertSilence, DeleteRange, etc. don't cause the SoundEditoDone event to report the ERR_EDITOR_EMPTY error condition when called without any loaded sound.


Full product history available inside the online documentation.






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