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ZIP.Open method

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Opens a ZIP file session. An opened ZIP session can be closed at a later time through the ZIP.Close method.


A call to this method is mandatory in order to extract or add entries from or to the ZIP file.


For further details about methods for ZIP management refer to the ZIP object.

For details about using ZIP management refer to the How to manage ZIP files tutorial.





[Visual Basic]

control.ZIP.Open (

strZipFilePathname as String,

strPassword as String

) as enumErrorCodes



short control.ZIP.Open (

LPCTSTR strZipFilePathname,

LPCTSTR strPassword









String representing the absolute pathname of the ZIP file to open.


String containing the optional password to set for future files extraction or adding operations; leave it empty if not needed.



Return value






Negative value

An error occurred. Check the LastError property value in order to see the last error.

enumErrorCodes.ERR_NOERROR (0)

The method call was successful.