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DJ Studio

   Patches and Upgrades

ActiveX version (amp3dj.ocx) (June 19, 2009)
Multimedia engine version (AdjMmsEng.dll) (January 5 , 2010)

Fixed builds can be downloaded using the same link, username and password received after purchasing the product: if you should have lost them or if they shouldn't work anymore, please, contact our Technical support.

VERY IMPORTANT: Before proceeding with the installation of updated versions, don't forget to close all of the running applications and to UNINSTALL the existing version: missing this step could prevent the new version to run correctly on your development PC.

Fixed Bugs (since version 4.0)

  • The control cannot be instantiated at runtime due to a licensing issue.
  • The creation of an equalizer's band whose frequency is outside of the range of frequencies supported by a certain sound file doesn't generate an error and can cause distortions during playback.
  • The loading of a video clip can sometime generate a GPF
  • The GetCurrentPosString method returns a string value not coherent with the value returned by the GetCurrentPos method.
  • The exporting of a CD track through the RequestSoundExportToWav method doesn't work.
  • After starting a direct playback of a recording session on a first player, through the PlaySoundFromRecorder method, and starting a sound file playback, through the PlaySound method, on a second player, stopping the direct playback on the first player, through the StopSoundFromRecorder method, will cause a gargle effect on the second player.
  • Direct playback of a recording session on a player, through the PlaySoundFromRecorder method, works only with the system default sound card.
  • Starting a second direct playback of a recording session on a player, through the PlaySoundFromRecorder method, while a previous direct playback is already running on the same player, can cause unpredictable results.
  • A reversed stream cannot be created when the EnableSpeakers property is set to "True".
  • The window of a video clip won't drain mouse messages to the container form.
  • A problem inside the generation of a video clip's filter graph can cause the missing playback of the video stream.
  • CD tracks longer than 10 minutes cannot be loaded and played.
  • Waveform analysis and silence detection of a loaded sound file won't work if the system misses a sound card.
  • The use of the Waveform embedded feedback can cause a GPF when hosted inside a container form which is opened and closed twice.
  • Covering or moving outside of the visible area the form containing the Waveform embedded feedback can cause a cleaning of the Waveform area itself.
  • When the playlist of the embedded fader is completed, the PlayListDone event is not generated.
  • Raw files containing floating point samples are not played correctly.
  • When the playback of a very long sound file (several hours) is completed, the SoundDone event could be missing.
  • When playing back a very long sound file (several hours), the advancement percentage could be wrong after a certain extent.
  • After closing and opening back again a form containing the control, the GetPlayerStatus method could return SOUND_STOPPED instead of SOUND_NONE.
  • Preamplifier settings won't be effective if enabled before loading a sound file.
  • Preamplifier settings won't be maintained after loading a new sound file.
  • The playlist of the embedded fader is always set to operate in loop mode.
  • Multichannel files are not played correctly.
  • Video files don't manage speakers assignment correctly.
  • If no sound file has been previously loaded into a player but a playlist has been loaded, the GetPlayerStatus method will return SOUND_PLAYING instead of SOUND_STOPPED.
  • Audio and video playback is sometime not in synch.
  • Setting a new parameter into the Fader.Display object can generate a GPF if no file and/or playlist has been loaded into the related player..
  • Method GetSoundFileDuration returns a value reduced to 16 bits or rounded in error to seconds.
  • Under Windows Vista mono audio files are not loaded.
  • Equalizer bands cannot be created for video playback if no video has been loaded into the player.
  • Video playback performed through the NVidia PureVideo codec suffers regular audio gaps.
  • Stopping a video playback generates an unwanted SoundDone event.
  • When playback of a video clip is completed an unwanded SoundStopped event is generated.
  • Loading a video clip without audio track can generate a GPF.
  • A vulnerability, caused due to a boundary error when processing *.pls playlist files, can be exploited to cause a stack-based buffer overflow by e.g. tricking a user into opening a specially crafted *.pls playlist file.
  • Silence detection can return wrong values if the silence threshold is set to a value higher than the maximum peak available inside the loaded sound.
  • If the TAB character (hex 09) is used inside a line of a M3U playlist file, the line will be ignored.
  • If there are more instances of the control inside an application, only the first one will manage the fader's playlist correctly.
  • Some portions of the loaded sound could result attenuated during playback.
  • With certain files the playback advancement never reaches the real end so the SoundDone event is not fired.
  • Video clips containing a 8 bits per sample audio stream are not played correctly.
  • The implementation of the GraphicsBarmanager.Move method misses a parameter.
  • URL-based ASX playlists whose size in byes is higher than 10 KBytes are not read correctly.
  • Parameters modified through a VST user interface are not reported correctly.
  • In rare cases the waveform analysis can generate a GPF.
  • The VideoPlayer.PlayRange method can generate an unexpected number of SoundPlaying and SoundStopped events when playback starts.
  • The VideoPlayer.Seek method could cause issues with triggers.
  • Setting the playback stream volume in dB will cause a wrong resulting volume.
  • The SetRewindOnEOF method doesn't have any effect on video clips.
  • The VideoPlayer.Close method fires a SoundDone event in error.
  • Blank characters added at the end of the string representing an Internet URL will cause the connection to the ShoutCAST / Icecast server to fail.
  • The spectrum is not drawn during playback of video clips.
  • If a waveform analysis is actually being performed on a player, the starting of a second analysis on another player will cause the first one to be interrupted.
  • In presence of a faulty sound card or of a faulty sound card driver the initialization of the component could fail and the container application could hang at startup.
  • SetNetAgent method is not accessible.
  • When both the DJ Studio and the Sound Recorder are instanced inside the same application, if the DJ Studio had one of the players whose output was set to -1 through the InitDJStudio method, if the recorder calls EnableOutputDevice (x, true) (where 'x' indicates the index of any of the available output devices) an exception will be raised.
  • Files in G723 format generated by the Vivo codec are not always opened correctly.
  • If inside the same form there are both DJ Studio and Sound Recorder instanced, the DJ Studio won't be able to enumerate speakers available for each output device also if the EnableSpeakers property is set to true.
  • The use of sound cards with emulated DirectSound drivers could be denied to other 3rd party components running inside the application.
  • If the container application is started without any disk inside available CD drives and then a CD is inserted inside one of the CD drives, Windows Explorer will not have the possibility to access it.
  • When trying to stream an URL pointing to a file whose size exceeds 64 KBytes, there could be a GPF when trying to stream a new URL.
  • The video stream of certain MOV files is not reproduced correctly.
  • The PlaySoundRangeLoop method doesn't work when the nLoopCount parameter is set to -1.
  • After a ResetEngine call, system mixers are no more accessible.
  • Requests about CD covers from Amazon catalogue could cause an exception.
  • If a background bitmap has been set through the Waveform.SetBackPictureFromFile or Waveform.SetBackPictureFromHandle methods, it will be displayed only during playback and not inside bitmaps generated through the Waveform.CreateFileBitmapView and Waveform.CreateMemoryBitmapView methods.
  • If a call to the SeekSound method is performed at a position higher than 90% of the file duration, while the player is stopped, the SoundDone event could be raised in advance.
  • If a CD track is loaded from a CD drive different from the first one listed by the system, the CD tracks is anyway loaded from the first one.
  • Multiple subsequent requests to CddbRequestServersList or CddbRequestAlbumInfo methods could cause a GPF.
  • The SoundSyncLoaded event is not generated if the video clip loaded through the VideoPlayer.LoadSync or VideoPlayer.LoadSyncForEAX or VideoPlayer.LoadSyncForTempoChange methods is of an invalid format.
  • The VideoPlayer.LoadSync and VideoPlayer.LoadSyncForTempoChange methods could cause an exception if the loading thread, launched by a previous call to the same method, should be still running.
  • Changing tempo, playback rate or pitch of a video clip before starting the playback session could result in a stuttering sound.
  • Loading a video clip without having created an output video window through the VideoPlayer.Create method, will cause the application to hang.
  • When using files loaded from memory there is no way to get information about the file, like ID3V1 tags.
  • Continuous playback of several video clips can cause a memory leak.
  • The ReadSoundInfo method can cause the application to hang with certain encrypted files.
  • The control doesn't work correctly when dealing with RDP drivers.
  • There is a rounding problem when getting/setting a volume value into a system mixer.
  • In very rare cases a call to StopSound immediately followed by a LoadSound call could cause a GPF.


Full product history available inside the online documentation.


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