Current version is
Fixed builds can be obtained contacting our Technical support.
New features
Fixed Bugs
- The sound duration is in some case lost.
- Playing a file loaded with the
LoadSoundFast method will result in a cut of the last second.
- The Spectrum and
the VU Meter don't calculate exactly the vertical size of their
vertical representation.
- Sometime the VU Meter does not display
the right channel.
- The PlaySoundFromTo method does not work
correctly with ScaleUnits different from milliseconds.
- When the control is used with Delphi, it
will not generate any kind of events.
- The SoundLoaded event is not generated
correctly with multiplayer playlists.
- Resuming a paused song will cause the
song to be restarted.
- A GPF is generated after playing a playlist containing one single song.
- The StopSound method doesn't reset correctly a playlist
- The SoundDone event is sometime generated uncorrectly
- The shuffle mode always generates the same combination
- Calling the GetCurrentPercentage on a stopped player will cause a GPF