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Youtube.VideoSearchByID method

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Begins a search related to a specific video stored on Youtube.


A successful call to this method allows the container application the be notified about the search completion through the CallbackForYoutubeEvents delegate having the nEvent parameter set to EV_YOUTUBE_SEARCH_DONE and the nData1 parameter set to YOUTUBE_SEARCH_VIDEO_BY_ID and related information can be obtained through the   Youtube.VideoSearchByIDInfoGet and Youtube.VideoSearchByIDThumbnailGet methods.


Each video added to Youtube may have various files which can contain video and/or audio streams: these streams can be enumerated using the Youtube.VideoSearchByIDStreamCountGet method and related information can be obtained through the Youtube.VideoSearchByIDStreamInfoGet method.

Finally, enumerated streams can be downloaded into a local file through Youtube.VideoSearchByIDDownloadStreamToFile method or directly into a player through the Youtube.VideoSearchByIDDownloadStreamToPlayer method.


For details about management of Youtube connections refer to How to enumerate and download video/audio clips from Youtube tutorial.

For further details about methods related to Youtube searches refer to the YoutubeMan class.





[Visual Basic]

Public Function VideoSearchByID (

strVideoId as String

) as enumErrorCodes



public enumErrorCodes VideoSearchByID (

string strVideoId




public: enumErrorCodes VideoSearchByID (

string strVideoId









String containing the identifier of the video as assigned by Youtube or the fully qualified URL of the video



Return value






enumErrorCodes.NOERROR (0)

The method call was successful

Negative value

An error occurred: see the LastError property for further error details or for a list of the possible error values.