Occurs when the control has completed the detection of silent portions at the start and end of a loaded song.
Silence detection is performed automatically if the SilenceDetectionOnPlayerLoadAutoSet method has been previously called or on-demand after a call to the SilenceDetectionOnPlayerRequest method.
For further details about silence detection management see the How to detect silent portions of sound files tutorial.
For further details about synchronization through Events see the How to synchronize the container application through events tutorial.
[Visual Basic]
Public Event SilencePositionAvailable As SilencePositionEventHandler
public event SilencePositionEventHandler SilencePositionAvailable;
public: __event SilencePositionEventHandler SilencePositionAvailable;
Event Data
The event handler receives an argument of type SilencePositionEventArgs having the following parameters:
Number representing the zero-based index of the involved player
Number representing the position in milliseconds where the sound level is higher than the initial threshold. If no sound has been detected, due to the threshold level being higher respect to existing sound, this parameter is set to -1.
Number representing the position in milliseconds where the sound level is lower than the final threshold. If no sound has been detected, due to the threshold level being higher respect to existing sound, this parameter is set to -1.