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CastingSendMetaData method

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Sends metadata in binary format to a SHOUTcast version 2 casting session created by a previous call to the CastingCreateFromStreamMixer or CastingCreateFromPlayer methods. If you should need sending a string of metadata, for example for sending a well formed XML, you could use the CastingSendMetaDataString method.


Details about the protocol for communicating with a SHOUTcast version 2 server and available metadata can be found inside the WinAmp Developer Network site.


Further information about management of casting sessions can be found inside the How to use the control as a source for streaming servers like SHOUTcast tutorial.





[Visual Basic]

Public Function CastingSendMetaData (

nCastingUniqueID as Int32,

nType as Int32,

pBuffer() as Byte,

nBufferLength as Int32

) as enumErrorCodes



public enumErrorCodes CastingSendMetaData (

Int32 nCastingUniqueID,

Int32 nType,

byte[] pBuffer,

Int32 nBufferLength




public: enumErrorCodes CastingSendMetaData (

Int32 nCastingUniqueID,

Int32 nType,

unsigned char __gc[] pBuffer,

Int32 nBufferLength









Unique identifier of the casting session returned by a previous call to the CastingCreateFromStreamMixer or CastingCreateFromPlayer methods


Type of metadata. This is a SHOUTcast version 2 message class (in bits 12 to 15) and type (bits 0 to 11) that describes what the metadata is. For example, the hexadecimal "4103" is class 4 and type 3 which would indicate an album art (1xx) in GIF format.


Buffer containing metadata


Length in bytes of the given buffer



Return value






Negative value

An error occurred (see the LastError property for further error details)

enumErrorCodes.NOERROR (0)

The method call was successful