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CallbackMidiKeyboardNotification delegate

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Callback delegate invoked from a secondary thread when one of the keys on the virtual piano keyboard, previously created through the MidiVirtualKeyboard.Create method, is pressed or released.


In order to allow the component invoking this delegate at runtime, the container application must invoke the CallbackMidiKeyboardNotificationSet method passing the address of the callback function.


For further details about callback delegates see the How to synchronize the container application with the API tutorial.

For further details about the use of the virtual MIDI keyboard see the ClassMidiVirtualKeyboard class section and the How to manage the virtual MIDI piano keyboard tutorial.



[Visual Basic]

Public Delegate Sub CallbackMidiKeyboardNotification (

hWndKeyboard as Int32,

nNote as Int16,

bPressed as Boolean,

bSimulated as Boolean,

nUserData as Int32




public delegate void CallbackMidiKeyboardNotification (

Int32 hWndKeyboard,

Int16 nNote,

bool bPressed,

bool bSimulated,

Int32 nUserData




public delegate void CallbackMidiKeyboardNotification (

Int32 hWndKeyboard,

Int16 nNote,

bool bPressed,

bool bSimulated,

Int32 nUserData









Handle of the virtual keyboard as returned by the call to the MidiVirtualKeyboard.Create method


Note played through pressure of one of the keys of the virtual piano keyboard. Can be a key number from 0 to 127; 60 means middle C


Boolean flag that specifies if the key was pressed or released.

Supported values are the following:

Mnemonic constant



The key was released


The key was pressed


Boolean flag that specifies if the key pressure is simulated. When the key pressure is simulated, the key appears pressed on the piano keyboard but no real event is generated on the MIDI stream in playback, allowing to display a note played through an external physical MIDI keyboard attached to one of the MIDI input channels.

Supported values are the following:

Mnemonic constant



The call to this method will play the requested note on the MIDI stream in playback


The call to this method will not play the requested note on the MIDI stream in playback but will display the corresponding key as pressed on the piano keyboard.


User instance data