How to use the control in your projects |
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First of all let us say that if this guide should not be clear to you, feel free to contact our support team for any doubt or curiosity you may have: we usually answer all of our customers questions in less than 24 hours. Note that the purpose of this guide is to give a taste of the main features available inside Active MIDI DJ Console.
As an integration to this guide some example of use of this component, in Visual Basic 6 and Visual C++ languages, can be found inside the "Samples" folder: if during the setup phase you left the installation directory to its default, you will find them inside "C:\Program Files\MultiMedia Soft\Active MIDI DJ Console\Samples".
The first needed step is to add the control to your project: see the How to add the control to your projects section for details.
Before starting MIDI input and out management, the control needs to be initialized: for this purpose it's mandatory a call to the Init method: the best place to call this initialization method is usually the container form initialization routine: for example, when using Visual Basic 6, it will be the Form_Load subroutine or, when using Visual C++, it will be the management function of the WM_INITDIALOG Windows message. The main purpose of calling the Init method is to synchronize the component with its container form.
For those using the product within the C++ environment, the download package includes a header file named DjConsEngDef.h that will give access to mnemonic constants required by the control. This header file can be found inside the Include directory created by the setup package (the default is C:\Program files\MultiMedia Soft\Active MIDI DJ Console\include).
After having initialized the component, we can start adding the code needed for interfacing with physical and virtual MIDI devices connected and/or installed inside the system and leveraging the control's main fields of competency:
• | Receiving/sending standard and raw MIDI commands from/to the connected MIDI input/output devices: see the How to manage MIDI devices tutorial for details. |
• | Managing interaction of the container application with connected MIDI DJ Consoles through mapping profiles: see the How to manage MIDI DJ consoles tutorial for details. |
• | Managing the user interface of the embedded virtual MIDI piano keyboard: see the How to manage the virtual MIDI piano keyboard tutorial for details. |