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Controls available inside this component

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This version of 3D Control Magic supports a set of built-in controls that can cover a variety of uses inside a Windows application developed using Visual Studio.NET.

On the picture below you will see the Toolbox with our controls installed, sorted in alphabetical order; clicking on each of the item will bring you to the relative description:




Control name






Covers all the features of a normal Push Button also know as Command Button, with the possibility to customize its graphical appearance.


Covers all the features of a normal Checkbox, with the possibility to customize its graphical appearance.


Covers all the features of a normal Radio Button also known as Option Button, with the possibility to customize its graphical appearance.


Covers all the features of a normal Label control also known as Static control, with the possibility to customize its graphical appearance.


Covers all the features of a normal GroupBox control, with the possibility to customize its graphical appearance.


Covers all the features of a normal PictureBox control, with the possibility to customize its graphical appearance.


Gives the possibility to enhance the Standard Checkbox available in Windows with some further feature.


Gives the possibility to enhance the Standard Radio Button available in Windows with some further feature.


Covers all the features of a normal Panel control, with the possibility to customize its graphical appearance.


Covers all the features of a normal ProgressBar control, with the possibility to customize its graphical appearance.


Covers all the features of an Office-like split button control, with the possibility to customize its graphical appearance.


Gives the possibility to change the shape of the container form using one or more predefined masks: very useful for creating skinned and graphical-rich applications.

Apart from the Ctl3dFormShaper control, all the other controls will have a set of common graphical properties: this will allow you to edit each of them using the 3D Button Visual Editor application.