SetPictureFromHandle method |
Remarks Changes at run-time one of the pictures associated to the button.
Syntax Visual Basic control.SetPictureFromHandle (index as enumPictures, hBitmap as long) as integer
Visual C++ BOOL control.SetPictureFromHandle (long index, OLE_HANDLE hBitmap);
Visual Basic example
BtnEnh1.SetPictureFromHandle PICTURE_NORMAL, LoadResPicture(xxx, vbResBitmap).Handle With this code the Picture property will be changed using a bitmap identified by xxx (contained in a .RES file).
Visual C++ example
HBITMAP hBitmap = LoadBitmap (hInstance, id); BtnEnh1.SetPictureFromHandle (PICTURE_NORMAL, (OLE_HANDLE) hBitmap); With this code the Picture property will be changed using a bitmap stored inside the application resources and identified by id parameter.
Return value