How to Monitor a Recording

Started by dp, March 31, 2017, 10:47:00 AM

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I'd like a button to turn on and off an audio monitor for one of several recordings in progress, but I haven't been able to find anything that seems to do that. The closest I've found is to use a dsp in the recording to output the recorded audio buffers to a second buffer/memorystream, and then pass that into a DJ Studio component via StreamQueueCreate() and StreamQueuePushDataMs(). Will that work? Is this the easiest way? Ideally, I'd just like one dsp dll to be called by both recording and playback, and they just reuse the buffers in a C/C++ dll for speed.



if you are recording in MP3 format the approach could be still easier; inside the documentation of Audio DJ Studio for .NET you will find a tutorial named "How to load and play sounds recorded by Audio Sound Recorder for .NET"

If you look into the 3rd point "Playback of sound data still being recorded and stored inside the hard-disk", you will see that you can load and then play what is actually being recorded by the recorder through the LoadSoundFromRecordingSession method of Audio DJ Studio for .NET.

Hope this help.

Kind regards

Severino Delaurenti
MultiMedia Soft


Thanks, unfortunately I get a 'busy' error, I guess because I am not using mp3 all the time (the format varies). Will the method I mentioned work in general?


You are welcome.

The setup package of the Audio Sound Suite installs a sample project named "SoundFromRecFile" which shows how to use this feature: you may try how it works on your PC. The installation folders are the following:
C:\Program Files\Audio Sound Suite for .NET\Common\Samples\C#.NET\SoundFromRecFile
C:\Program Files\Audio Sound Suite for .NET\Common\Samples\VB.NET\SoundFromRecFile

Yes, it's very likely that also your suggested method should work but it would be rather more complicated to implement.

Kind regards

Severino Delaurenti
MultiMedia Soft