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ResetControl method

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Re-initializes the control after a reset of the multimedia engine: the call to this method is mandatory after a call to the ResetEngine method. The purpose of this method is mostly identical to the InitSoundSystem method and shares the same parameters.





[Visual Basic]

Public Function ResetControl (

nTotalPlayers as Int16,

nOutput0 as Int16,

nOutput1 as Int16,

nOutput2 as Int16,

nOutput3 as Int16,

) As Int16



public Int16 ResetControl (

Int16 nTotalPlayers,

Int16 nOutput0,

Int16 nOutput1,

Int16 nOutput2,

Int16 nOutput3,




public: Int16 ResetControl (

Int16 nTotalPlayers,

Int16 nOutput0,

Int16 nOutput1,

Int16 nOutput2,

Int16 nOutput3,











Number of players that must be allocated by the control: if the requested number exceed the maximum allowed by the control you purchased then the number will be cut to the number of available players


Number representing the zero-based index of the output device (sound card) that will be used for playback by player 0 (pass 0 for using the system default output device). If the parameter is set to -1, the specific player can be used also in absence of a sound card, for example for performing a waveform analysis.


Check the How to use the control in your projects section for details about obtaining output devices.


Number representing the zero-based index of the output device (sound card) that will be used for playback by player 1 (use 0 for system default output device). If the parameter is set to -1, the specific player can be used also in absence of a sound card, for example for performing a waveform analysis.


Number representing the zero-based index of the output device (sound card) that will be used for playback by player 2 (use 0 for system default output device). If the parameter is set to -1, the specific player can be used also in absence of a sound card, for example for performing a waveform analysis.


Number representing the zero-based index of the output device (sound card) that will be used for playback by player 3 (use 0 for system default output device). If the parameter is set to -1, the specific player can be used also in absence of a sound card, for example for performing a waveform analysis.




Return value







An error occurred, check the LastError property value in order to get the error code

Value > 0

The method completed successfully and this value represents the number of allocated players; if this value is smaller than the value set through the nTotalPlayers parameter, check the maximum number of players supported by the control you purchased.