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VideoMixer.OSDItemBitmapAdd method

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Adds a new graphical item to the On-Screen-Display (OSD) by getting its representation from memory bitmap.


For further details about the use of the embedded video mixer see the VideoMixer object section.

For details about video mixing/blending refer to the How to use the video mixer tutorial.





[Visual Basic]

Public Function OSDItemBitmapAdd (

nMixerUniqueId as Int32,

hBitmap as IntPtr,

fLeftPos as Single,

fTopPos as Single,

nAlpha as Int16,

nZOrder as Int32,

bShow as enumBoolean

) as Int32



public Int32 OSDItemBitmapAdd (

Int32 nMixerUniqueId,

IntPtr hBitmap,

float fLeftPos,

float fTopPos,

Int16 nAlpha,

Int16 nZOrder,

bool bShow




public: Int32 OSDItemBitmapAdd (

Int32 nMixerUniqueId,

IntPtr hBitmap,

float fLeftPos,

float fTopPos,

Int16 nAlpha,

Int16 nZOrder,

bool bShow








Unique identifier of the video mixer returned by a previous call to the VideoMixer.Create method


Handle of the bitmap (HBITMAP). The bitmap can be modified at a later time through the VideoMixer.OSDItemBitmapChange method.


Horizontal position, expressed in percentage of the On-Screen-Display (OSD) area, where the item will be rendered.

Position can be moved at a later time through the VideoMixer.OSDItemMove method.


Vertical position, expressed in percentage of the On-Screen-Display (OSD) area, where the item will be rendered.

Position can be moved at a later time through the VideoMixer.OSDItemMove method.


Alpha channel transparency, expressed in percentage, applied to the item when rendered. Values can range from 0 (total opacity) to 100 (total transparency).

The alpha channel transparency of the item can be modified at a later time through the VideoMixer.OSDItemAlphaSet method.


Z-Order of the item.

Items with a lower Z-Order value will stay on top respect to other Items having a higher Z-Order value; for example, an Item with Z-Order 0 will stay on top of any other Item but, in case two Items should be assigned the same Z-Order, the latest one having got the same Z-Order will be placed on top of the previous one.

The Z-Order of the item can be modified at a later time through the VideoMixer.OSDItemZOrderSet method.


Boolean flag that specifies if the item must be initially visible or hidden.

Supported values are the following:

Mnemonic constant



The item is initially kept hidden


The item is immediately shown

Visibility can be modified at a later time through the VideoMixer.OSDItemShow method.




Return value







An error occurred (see the LastError property for further error details)

Other values

Unique identifier of the graphical item: this unique identifier will be used in order to invoke further methods related to the use of this specific item